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it summer, and I don't want to waste this only time to have fun to do everything we want!, well you know when school still exist lol I mean when there still school everything I want is just summer some free day, but now I'm getting bored everyday, I just want to do new things, I want to know things I never knew before, I want to see the unseen things, I want new, new face, new life new stories to know, well that doesn't mean that I want to forget, I just want to explore more, words can't explain this feeling, I just wanna let go of my self get out and feel free. well everyday now, because of boredom, I water the plants for the sake of them to live, I don't want them just dying because they live too, and after that I'm probably going to sleep or just go to my computer it's very hot outside that water evaporates very fast well you really can stay long or your toast, getting very random here again, well because I'm bored I'm being spoiled lol, I wanna buy a new processor for this pc I had, I upgrade the graphics add more ram and hard drive the only thing that hasn't change is the processor, I'm gonna buy i7 intel core one of the best selling in the market today, well my pc will turn 3 years old this summer, gladly this pc proves that we can keep our things working or unbroken because every gadget we had broke in less than a year, two of our computer which we easily broke, gladly this one doesn't, and I guess because of being curious how things work in PC I mean I always get curious on how things work so I started learning things about it, that's why I want a processor :], maybe the easiest one to know or the hardest one (it defend) is a person. lol maybe I'm getting nonsense again I guess I better take some rest, oh well it's been lot of typing well I really just wanna practice typing there's nothing more to do, well if you're reading this well wow and tnx your a quite reader tehre well time for me to rest, a song always help me type this words. what I'm listening to - regina spektor- the call(I hope that can help you type what's on your mind too :])


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tymm 4 sum pis


Photobucketheight hmm, well i dunno how did u get here lol, i'm pat and welcome 2 mai blog woosh!
